People who live in conflict are often suppressing their emotions. They fight with themselves, with the world.
They are living the judgement of others and yet they feel there is something missing. There has to be more to my life. There is more. It is You. Your True Self.
You are screaming from within but the noise of the world deafens you everyday.
You struggle until you say “no more”...and you surrender.
In surrender you begin to release your emotions and realize the wisdom held within.
Free of judgement you feel a shift in what is important and where your energy should be placed.
How you envision “normal” is very important. Is “normal” your definition or the way the world tells you your life should be lived?
How do you measure “normal”?
Who are you serving? Is it you and your family or the opinions of society that govern you?
When you have answered this you will be able to answer the next question; am I in constant struggle or am I living a happy, fulfilled life using my gifts and talents to their greatest potential?
If you are living the latter you are in the flow of your life. You are open to all that is as your purpose is realized.
The fight is over and you are the winner. The world will go on in its chaos.
In surrender you come home to You.