And then... you were stopped by the opinions of others:
“That’s too hard”
“You’ll never make it that far”
“It costs too much”
“You don’t have what it takes to succeed”
“You really think you can do that?
“That’s so far away”
“There’s too much work involved”
“You’re kidding me, you do that?”
“You’ll never get in there”
“What do you know about that?”
“why would you want to take the risk?”,
Rather than listen to those who deter you, trust your intuition and the belief in your True Self.
This is the fuel you are looking for.
Put your S I L E N C E M A P to work for you:
SEE yourself as worthy to pursue your goals...
INSPIRED by your gifts and talents.
LISTEN to your heart and connect with your mind...
EMPOWER yourself.
NURTURE and encourage your development.
CREATE from your desires...
ENVISION a life of meaning and purpose for you and the people you love.
What you intend to accomplish will set in motion everything you need.
Universal support is available to each of us.
Momentum is the engine of life... FLY!